The basic premise of the Burrito Club is simple: Enjoy a burrito while watching the sunset.
Since I didn't want to do a blatant ripoff of the Portland Club, I needed to find something to differentiate the Duluth edition from Shawn's. It was something I'd have to think long and hard about.

Hey, I've got it! Falling snow and subzero temperatures. I can't think of a better way to say Duluth.

Next, I would need a burrito. That part was easy. We had leftover roasted veggie burritos from Saturday's dinner. I heated it up in the microwave and then placed it (along with a hot bag of rice) in my specially designed burrito warmer, also known as a Granite Gear Aquatherm bottle holder.

Finally, one thing any reputable sunset burrito club needs is a mascot, preferably a moose. We just so happened to have one hanging around the house, so along he came.
Despite having magnets in his feet, he had to ride in the bag with my camera. This bike doesn't seem to have any steel on that he can hang on to (please don't tell the folks from the SteelonWheelsForum, or they may take away my membership).

Forty minutes after leaving my house, sunset arrived at the Rice Lake City Park, and I was able to enjoy my still warm burrito while watching the snow fall.

As an added bonus, to help work off my meal, I was able to go for a quick spin through the park where snowmobiles had packed down the snow.
All in all, I would have to say the first sunset burrito club in Duluth was a success. Maybe next time I'll actually get to see the sunset.